Monday, April 13, 2009

Cruel (but honest) Intentions

Last week, I made a decision that one would most likely classify as the high school variety. I ended a relationship with a friend whom I didn’t want to be friendly with anymore.
We started out as pretty good friends, but certain snubs changed the whole chemistry of it. No longer did I feel like I enjoyed my friend’s company. I felt her annoying, childish and obscenely self-indulgent. I guess I couldn’t expect much for someone who doesn’t have any responsibilities and crashes on everyone’s couch. After a while, I found her to be deceitful. She was everyone’s friend, learning everyone’s individual “pleasure” points and catering to them when they were around. She felt the need to be the center of things and constantly adding to her menagerie of friends. Maybe I’m too high on my horse, but I really do detest such dishonesty. Then I became irritated at myself, for holding on to something that I was truly not happy with. Time filled the cracks and widened our differences, to the point of me really not wanting to salvage anything.

Cruel? Maybe. I did it for me and I feel more peaceful, more honest as a result. It was the classic scenario of a broken relationship. Most people probably think I should have let it die a natural death, but I disagree.

Why do people seem to think that friendships are exempt from breakups?



  1. welcome to our blog! i completely agree with you- friendships are not exempt from breakups. and i think many times friends think they can take advantage of you and the friendship, thinking that there won't be a "breakup"

  2. Take advantage, or not they just don't talk to you about anything. See, this is the reason why I keep so few friends... I don't feel like I need many to make me feel happy.

  3. I feel that friendship and relationships are nearly the same in the breakup aspect. On one hand, you invested a lot of feelings in this person, and on the other hand, you have to consider if you're adding more than your share into the relationship. If the answer is yes to the latter question, then why continue?

    Stuff like that adds up after a while and pretty soon resentment takes over.

    Best to get out before you carry more baggage around with you.
