Thursday, March 26, 2009

tHE EAgLE HaS Landed!

So i'm soOoOoOo sorrrryyy.........i kno it took me a year and a dayyyyyyyyy but ahhh life rite is a lil lOca rite nowwwww..................and like im just getting everything tOgether...don't wanna be crazyyyyy ne more and i think that wat will help meee is just wOrKing hard & dOing wat i have to do and no stressss just letting it gO and spending time with all my besties!!! its onli 2 more months of this crazy nesss lol butts almost over!!! so i like this blog thing....i feel good but i gots to gow now be bakkk toniteeee just wanna leave u with something I once read and it really is wat is issssssss LOVE U! peaceeee, loveeee n haiR GreAse!!!!!

this is especially fOr Lucioussss- better late than never!

Current mood: peaceful

Let It Go.. By T.D. Jakes

There are people who can walk away from you.
And hear me when I tell you this!
When people can walk away from you: let them walk..

I don't want you to try to talk another person into staying with you,
loving you, calling you, caring about you, coming to see you,
staying attached to you.
I mean hang up the phone.

When people can walk away from you let them walk.
Your destiny is never tied to anybody that left.

People leave you because they are not joined to you.
And if they are not joined to you,
you can't make them stay.

Let them go

And it doesn't mean that they are a bad person,
it just means that their part in the story is over.
And you've got to know when people's
part in your story is over so that you
don't keep trying to raise the dead.

You've got to know when it's dead.
You've got to know when it's over.
Let me tell you something.
I've got the gift of good-bye.
It's the tenth spiritual gift,
I believe in good-bye.

It's not that I'm hateful, it's that I'm faithful,
and I know whatever God means for me to have
He'll give it to me.
And if it takes too much sweat I don't need it.
Stop begging people to stay.

Let them go!!

If you are holding on to something
that doesn't belong to you and was never intended for your life,
then you need to ..LET IT GO!!!

If you are holding on to past hurts and pains ...


If someone can't treat you right, love you back, and see your worth...

If someone has angered you .....

If you are holding on to some thoughts of evil and revenge ..

If you are involved in a wrong relationship or addiction ...

If you are holding on to a job that no longer meets your needs or
talents ..


If you have a bad attitude...

If you keep judging others to make yourself feel better...

If you're stuck in the past and God is trying to take you to a new
level in Him...


If you are struggling with the healing of a broken relationship....

If you keep trying to help someone who won't even try to help


If you're feeling depressed and stressed ...

If there is a particular situation that you are so used to handling
yourself and God is saying "take your hands off of it," then you need to...


Let the past be the past.
Forget the former things.
GOD is doing a new thing for 2008 !!!


Get Right or Get Left .. think about it, and then

Splenda, Artificially Sweet, Just Like You!

It looks like sugar, it taste like sugar but it is NOT sugar. It’s artificially sweet, fake, an imposter hiding in plane sight. Good substitute at the time but in the long run it could be bad for your health. It’s kind of like “love” It feels real, it seems real but it is NOT love. It’s artificial, fake and it could fool a lot of people. It seems genuine and fulfilling at the time but in the long run someone always end up hurt. Zero calories, so how bad can it be? It won’t add calories but you might get cancer in the end. Should we settle for the artificial stuff? Is it good enough for the time being? You love someone but they don’t love you! Should you settle for being friends and secretly love them from afar? Would bits and pieces be enough for you of their time and their love while deep down you know he love someone else??? They don’t lie; they tell you straight from the beginning the whole truth but you don’t listen. He tells you that you could never amount to the love they had but you try and try anyway. You want to fight for him and keep the hope and faith alive, but the label clearly says IT IS NOT SUGAR. How do people fake that love stuff so well? If they really cared wouldn’t they have let you go from the beginning? Why keep you around? You can’t make love to someone you don’t love, right? In the end you realized you were only left with a terrible after taste and a broken heart. You lose the friendship and all the empty promises to each other. You want to know what happened to all the “I will always be here for you” speeches? But all that just seem so far behind. So you ask yourself what’s next??? You say you will never ever buy that Spenda shit again but only to fall into the trap of Sweet & Low.

Till next time,


Monday, March 23, 2009

cancerous thoughts

So how many of you know someone who has cancer? I've always been afraid of cancer- not only for myself, but for everyone I know. It seems like everyone everywhere is affected by it in some way or another. If its not yourself its a family member, a friend- and I just figured it would eventually affect me somehow one day, and I was right.

And I don't mean to be a debbie downer, I know people don't usually like to talk about health during coffee talk, but I was just thinking- how hard is it to die of old age nowadays? If it's not cancer, its a stroke or a heart attack, a car's like russian roulette- wherever the ball lands, well that's how you're gonna go, and you can't do shit about it.

Well anyway, I think it's crazy how diseases like cancer work.... your body is basically killing itself from the inside. And you go about your daily business with no idea of whats going horrible is that! And why do people get cancer now more than ever? Maybe its the pollution or all that shit they put in processed foods now, but seeing the circumstances, I think everyone should be screened for every type of cancer there is. Yes, women get mammograms over 40, men get their prostates checked...but that's not enough. People don't usually check their lungs, colons, intestines, etc. for cancer. So most people aren't lucky enough to find cancer in its early stages- only when the symptoms are bad enough for you to decide to go to the doctor.

I hope that didn't depress you all. But health is just as important as love, and all that good stuff.

Sunday, March 22, 2009


I swear I feel like my brain just never stops. I think this is why I cant sleep at night cuz my brain is always on. I don’t know how many questions I ask myself everyday. Like what to expect when your expecting? I’m not pregnant but I would like to know. Also why do I feel so violated every time I go to the Gyno? I know she’s a doctor but still its hard not to feel awkward when your vagina is in some woman’s face. My Favorite question is when I’m I ever gonna go back to Providence?? Rhode Island sucks ass but some of my besties live there so I think I should make the effort! And why is it that all these old men are always hitting on me? Ewww seriously! And the question I ask myself everyday is what the fuck is wrong with me?? Geez! Trust me you don’t want to know what goes on in my head on a daily basis, Its quite scary. Lol Like the other day I was on the path on my way to work and I was listening to my Ipod kinda loud and I wondered if these people where judging me by my music choice. Not that I gave a fuck but I wonder if people judge me by the music I listen to?? Idk its weird things like this I wonder from day to day! When I see people making out I wonder if they really love each other. If there is such thing as true love. Sometimes I stare at people and wonder what their life is like and if they are hiding any horrible secrets. lol When I lay down at night I wonder if I ever cross your mind or if you ever randomly think of me or dream about me? Do you miss me? I try to write every night before I go to bed, even though I don’t post most of it but this helps me organize my thoughts and find meaning in all the craziness. I’ve come a long way, yes I’ve changed from the naïve little girl I used to be. Now I’ve grown to become a smart young woman. Wiser and respected I hope. I’ve been angry lately, at myself mostly, but that’s not who I am. I myself don’t know exactly who yet but I’m working on becoming a better person. I want to love myself and be the reason I’m happy not find my happiness in someone else. I don’t want to be that girl that doesn’t have a life other than her man. I want to have my own friends and rely on myself. I don’t want to have to rely on someone else or be defined by who I’m with. I want to be my own person, proud of everything I do. Having this questions is a normal part of life especially questions you have about yourself and your life. I’m gonna be happy and I’m gonna be me whether you like it or not. Don’t let anyone stand in your way and always ask those hard questions, they make you who you are.

P.S. I know I said I wasn’t going to write till certain people stepped up their game but I’ve realized that you cant make someone do something that they don’t want to. Their empty promises and indifference should not stop me from doing what I want or restrain me from saying what I have to. So with that said I’ll be writing till I no longer find words.

Till I no longer miss you ,


Friday, March 20, 2009

OUR 1,000TH VIEW!!!

WE HIT OUR 1,000TH VIEW TODAY!!! YAY!! AND WE JUST GOT STARTED!! pats on the back, all around!!!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Guess the lyrics...

don't google them...let's see if anyone knows what this song is/who its by:

If I had to do it over, If I had to do it again
I would've known, too and this would have neva began
If I made you claustrophobic, Betcha if I gave u an inch
You'll neva know this but there's no one quite like, no one quite like you

I try to forget ya but you're all I wanna do
I can do better but there's no one quite like you

If I made you love me again (If I made you luv me again)
If I made you want it again (If I made you want it again)
If I gave it you probably wouldn't want it, babe
It's alright cause there's no one quite like you

I try to forget ya but you're all I wanna do
I can do better but there's no one quite like you

Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Ok so I wanted to start this blog by complaining about my job because as usual they start my morning by needing way too much of me. Plus I was super late to work and I really couldn’t give a fuck, people don’t get anywhere by complaining. Let's talk about how sometimes all I hear lately is blah blah blah my life this, my life that! I don’t give a fuck! Your shit is way too tragic for me. You don't like something well change it, Stop your complaining cuz I can care less besides you probably have no one to blame but yourself. I take responsibility for my actions and accept shit that cannot be changed. I've learned from my mistakes and I will try my best not to repeat them again. Some people just don’t get it, it’s like watching a train wreck over and over again, and they wonder why shit happens to them. Sometimes it doesn’t matter how much you try to give advice cuz at the end they do what they want and end up with the same result. I try to write shit down, and trust me must shit I write down doesn't make it here; most people couldn't handle the truth. I'm not trying to be mean but sometimes you get tired of hearing the same shit over and over again. I disguise my words and subliminally try to send you messages but you still don’t fucking get it. Let’s also touch on the subject we all been wondering about but not saying. Like the 5 people who started this blog and only 3 have written something (75% which have been me). In 2 month you couldn’t find 5 minutes to sit down and write something down? Maybe if you would put as much effort to writing a blog as you do making up excuses for why you don’t that maybe we would have something. I rather have the truth than hear excuses or get the same old runaround. Shit just gets old. I say this with all honesty cuz to truly love someone you accept all their fucked up flaws and eventually you just learn to accepted it. If it’s not hurting you or getting in your way, you have to accept people for who they are. You can't change anyone. You have to learn to love them with all their flaws or just simply walk away .I’m here for you when you need a shoulder to cry, and I hope you’ll be there for me too. I’m sure we are all grown up here and we all have minds of our own, people don’t need to be spoon fed everything. Lets all grow up and move on, no excuses necessary.

I’m going on a strike; this is my last blog till a certain someone steps up to the plate. In the mean time I’ll be working on my debut book.Till I write again, I hope you love me more, think of me more, and appreciate me more.

P.S Keep trying, but as much as you try, you could never be anything like me. Cuz I certaintly dont want to be anything like you. Nigga you dont know me!

Con Mucho Amor(Walter Mercado Style) Weezy Baby!

Damn is it lunch time yet?? :o)~

Friday, March 13, 2009

My Happy Place

Oh Hot Damn, oh oh oh, oh oh oh, Oh shit son this is my Jam…. That’s right you know what I’m talking about. We all have that song that when it comes on you lose your mind and scream that’s my song. Whether it be a slow song or a song with a phat ass beat that just makes you want to break out in a sick choreographed move just like Quest Crew, point is you just need to let it out. I personally just like to rip my clothes off and dance naked in my room but that’s just me, I get it on and poppin. (I secretly like to dance to Footloose, but shhhh don’t tell anyone) Lol Anyway I just wanted to share with ya’ll my happy little place. My Bed! This is where all the magic happens, where I get inspired, were some sleeping happens and most importantly where I plan out all my evil schemes. I Plan to take over the world soon. Lol I like to lie down here and listen to music and think about shit.I know I’ve been down lately but don’t get it twisted I get it in. I turn on the radio and get low with Flo Rida, emotional with Marc Anthony, thuged out with Lil Wayne and become Invincible with Michael Jackson. I get sexy with Aventura, nostalgic with Juan Luis Guerra. Diva-ish with Beyonce empowered by La India. Music can always make your day great cuz you can always relate to one or two songs out there. Music is just such a great escape from reality, I just break it down like no one is watching. Whether i'm home or on my way somewhere I always have music on, Till next time bust a move and I‘ll keep singing at the top of my lungs:

"Thought I couldn't live without you It's gonna hurt when it heals too It'll all get better in time Even though I really love you I'm gonna smile 'cause I deserve to It'll all get better in time...."

Over and out. Till Next Time, Hugs and Lots of kisses.

Bonus Round: Women what can I say we are weak and pathetic. We are so god damn emotional and we get attached to people way too quickly. I'm very guilty of this. I've been feeling like shit, like someone ripped apart my heart( More like they put my heart in a blender) and for what??? And for whom??? Nigga Please! How can we love someone who doesnt give a fuck about you(who never did). Who takes advantage of your love, who takes for granted that you will always be there for them. Who disrespects you all the time and doesnt see what we do for them.Yes some women are down right dirty, Selfish and back stabbing bitches who deserve to be hit (sorry Rihanna, but you probably deserved that shit, and you went straight back to him) Yes after all the abuse we bitches run right back for more. Please stop the madness ladies and have some respect for yourselves. We will survive.

"quién, quién eres tú?para hacerme sufrir, para hacerme llorar si hoy tu eres feliz porqué tengo yo que sufrir por ti dime quién eres tú?........"

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Talking Shit

I have to say people take Facebook and Myspace way tooo seriously. Like if you don't update your status or your picture every 5 min it's a problem. I was on the bridge the other day and some girl stopped right in the middle to take a picture of herself. I wish I had a cast iron skillet to hit her over the face with. Get a life, it's not that serious, and for the love of god stop with the 3000000 pics of yourself. I'm sure you are the only one who thinks you look good and the only person who will look at all those pics of yourself. There are more important things out there to worry about, like it's so sad that so many people have lost their jobs, and how many have lost their homes. I hope things get better soon, cuz I feel like I can't complain about my job because I still have one. It's so easy to complain and bitch about stuff or just to be depressed about your life but take a look around there is always someone worst off. I have to say I don't have much to complain about. Yes there are things that drive me up a wall and that upset me but nothing too tragic. Oh real quick, did u know I've never been to a funeral (Thank God) or a wedding? I find that weird! Lol. Anyway moving on so I'm back here at work, idk I wish I had a more creative job, someplace that I don't mind spending 8 hours a day at. Every time I'm here I wish I was on vacation somewhere warm and sunny with a great clear water beach! Hmmm I'm day dreaming right now! Lol. FIJI any one??? Oh men I can't wait till summer! Ok back to reality and all this paper work! Not cool! Lol

P.S. I have to say there are so many fake people out there, those so called "Friends" that are always talking shit and judging. Before you judged take a look in the mirror and judge yourself first. You are haters and nothing but posers. Get over yourself. It’s so easy to lose respect for people like you. Yes I’m not perfect and most likely I probably can’t stand you either but I don’t waste most of my day talking shit about you. You are not that important, you just dont fucking matter. You people are so transparent and unoriginal I could see right through you. Check yourself at the door before you come in to my life, leave the negativity and the drama out. I write this blog for myself not for anyone else, if you want to read it, ok good for you and I hope you could relate, if not well I can give a rat's ass about your opinion of me. Just don’t fucking read it if it’s ruining your fucking day. With that said, I hope you get a really itchy, nasty infection! Ahahahaha

Stay tuned till next week's episode of Luisa knows best! ;o)~ heheh j/k I don’t know shit! I'm faking my way through life here, just going with the flow.
Sweet Kisses from this sugar mama!
Till next time,

PPS. This blog should be called Talking Shit. hehehehe

Sunday, March 8, 2009

The Boogie Man

I’ve always been afraid of the dark. Afraid that whatever was out there lurking in the shadows (The boogie man) was out to get me. Now I wish he’d come finds me. I wouldn’t put up a fight, I just go willingly. Its 6am and I cant sleep. I’ve been sitting here out side my house for about an hour. Doing what? I don’t know. Who sits outside in the cold barefoot? I guess I’m waiting on something, and maybe if I wait long enough it’ll come find me. I don’t know what I want. Fresh air? To get away? To run away and hide? Who can I call and talk to? Who the hell is awake at this time? I guess everyone is sleeping just fine. I shouldn’t be out here by myself, maybe I’m just looking for trouble. I should just head back inside but I know I’ll just end up doing something I shouldn’t be doing. Maybe I’ll head back to bed and wait for sleep to find me. Today is just another day, like yesterday and just like tomorrow will be(empty). I’m just another crack addict going thru withdrawal. Till I sleep restfully in peace. Good Night!

A Sleepless Weezy

P.S I should write a fucking novel.

Friday, March 6, 2009


So I’m sitting here at work with the biggest urge to cry (I did) Anyway I’ve been thinking about Providence lately and how I just miss everyone so much. I miss having class with Anthony and laughing so hard at out teacher Turchetta and his pimp juice, oh and that other nerd teacher we had that every time he raised his hands you could see his belly button! Gross! Oh how I miss just walking around Theyer St in the spring and going to Antonio's. Farting around Andrew was the best, and I can't forget about my youngest and wisest friend Chris, I miss listening to Donna Summers with him. Eli I’m still hoping in the future we will get married! lol I played match maker with Veronica & Bob! lol Those two were so stubborn. lol Cabe & Ashley I thank god I met both of you, you guys rocked me world. Maurizo you need to come back and have coffee with me everyday, Oh and how I loved to make fun of Lena! haha She was so easy. But how can I forget the person who I miss the most, my twin brother Phil! I'll never forget every time he used to pick me up and he would play our jam! LETSSS GOOOO! lol College was hard for me but thinking about all the people I met I think I wouldn't have it any other way. Freshman year was tough cuz I missed home, my family and specially my friends but if it wasn’t for my roommate AJ(my favorite roomie) and Anthony putting my pictures back up I probably would have gone home. Sophomore year was full with new experience, conflicts and confrontation. I gave myself for the first time that year, body & soul. I was left a little confused and conflicted with myself because people told me that because it was a difficult situation they were disappointed in me. I didn’t understand how something that felt so right, be so wrong. I just thought no one understood. That come with lots of confrontations, I remember that day like it was yesterday, she had anger in her eyes when she said she wanted to talk to me. After a while of her talking she asked me if I loved him, I felt sick and disgusted but as I looked down at that ring in her finger I looked her in the eyes and said NO! (I Lied! I wanted to do the right thing). She gave me something after that, that felt like hope but now I understand she had plans of her own. I also got the drunkest I’ve ever gotten in my life, and smoked weed for the first time with the roommates. Junior year was kinda lonely, I didn’t have my usual roommate around and I was at the downtown campus this time. I had the best birthday that year but the rest of the year was very uneventful. Senor year went by quick, I tried to spend the most time with everyone as I cold but the time just flew, Graduation came and went and everyone just moved on. I know life is about moving forward but how can I not look back every once in a while.

Missing Everyone,
A sad Weezy.

asking for too much or not getting enough?

why is it so hard for two people to be on the same page at the same time? how often do two people feel exactly the same about each other? i wonder how good it must feel to love someone so much and know that they feel the same way- and to know that you'd both do anything for each other. but what about when its not like that? when you're willing to do certain things for someone who wont do the same for you?

and this doesnt only apply to boyfriends.

yesterday, i was feeling like shit and i txted one of my friends saying that i really needed to talk to her, that i was really upset. she said sure bla, bla, but in the end she ditched me to hang out with a "stalker". now this is not the first time it happens- i mean it happens all the time, actually. but why the fuck do i even bother to talk to her? if it were the other way around i would make sure that id be there for her, but is it too much to ask for her to do the same?

why the fuck do i always end up in this position? why cant two people treat each other with mutual respect?

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Food for Thought

Ok so welcome back to coffee talk, I’m your host Luisa, Weezy, Luscious, Sweater (ok only Tati calls me this) Maldita Loca (Jessica’s Favorite thing to call me) lol Anyway the point is that here you can call me whatever you like. Feel free to discuss amongst yaselves...Real quick I wanna give a shout out to my home skillet Maurizio in Germany, Its just like butta! Hahaha ok So lets get on with the topic of the day. Beef Curtains! Hahah jk( That was for you Janice) Anyway moving on, topic of the day: Food & Starbucks! Why the fuck are we so god damn obsessed with going to Starbucks? Is it the $6 coffee? Is it really that good? Or is it just the ambience?? I cant talk I fucking love coffee but really do we need to be so cliché and join the herd with fitting in with america's stereotype? The good thing about Starbucks its that it brings friends together for some good Coffee Talk. Lol Oh and don’t get me started on food. I fucking love food, all day everyday. Well as you can tell food hasn’t been so good on my great physique (Hahah) but still I love to make food and eat food. My favorite food?? Hmmm idk besides Maurizio’s cooking and my awesome cakes I would have to say its anything junk food or anything that has excess cheese on it. If it taste good I’ll eat it. Lol The best is cooking with friends and sharing it with each other. Till next time, I’ll be having some Starbucks and eating an Empanada, while watching the Food Network! Hahahhahahah

Till next blog I’ll leave you with some food for thought : I just want to quickly shed some light on the fact that on a previous blog I wrote that I hate when every other word out of people’s mouth is a curse word, and I’ve been the only one here who’s been cursing like a truck driver. Hence the multiple personalities people, I wasn’t joking.

P.S. If you lovely people out there have some good topics that you would like us to talk about don’t be shy and leave a comment.

Fatty Mc Weezy.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Bitter Cold

So I’ve decided not to give up anything for lent. I think I’ve given up a lot and a lots has been taken from me. Mom asked me if I was going to church today and I said no. Idk I feel like I just don’t believe in god anymore, I feel like he just let go of my hand. Yes I’m still angry, and yes I have to let go eventually but I’m not ready to let go yet. And about all this forgive and forget shit is just bull shit along with “people make mistakes“. I know exactly what I was doing and what I was getting myself in to, do you? Anyway I hope It was worth it. I won’t apologize for my feelings and you can't fucking tell me how I feel cuz unless you've been in my shoes you don’t know shit. I’m trying to rise above, get rid of the blackness that surrounds me, the vivid nightmares that follow me. I’m Trying to bring air into my lungs and maybe a ray of sunshine in this horrible black hole I live in. I hope the stinging pain fades and that time stops being a blur. Even though it hurts to remember I could never ever forget, and maybe someday I will forgive myself. I wish you the best of the best but how you brought me happiness and meaning you took it all way.
I forgive you.
Until the sun shines again and the cold fade way.