Monday, March 23, 2009

cancerous thoughts

So how many of you know someone who has cancer? I've always been afraid of cancer- not only for myself, but for everyone I know. It seems like everyone everywhere is affected by it in some way or another. If its not yourself its a family member, a friend- and I just figured it would eventually affect me somehow one day, and I was right.

And I don't mean to be a debbie downer, I know people don't usually like to talk about health during coffee talk, but I was just thinking- how hard is it to die of old age nowadays? If it's not cancer, its a stroke or a heart attack, a car's like russian roulette- wherever the ball lands, well that's how you're gonna go, and you can't do shit about it.

Well anyway, I think it's crazy how diseases like cancer work.... your body is basically killing itself from the inside. And you go about your daily business with no idea of whats going horrible is that! And why do people get cancer now more than ever? Maybe its the pollution or all that shit they put in processed foods now, but seeing the circumstances, I think everyone should be screened for every type of cancer there is. Yes, women get mammograms over 40, men get their prostates checked...but that's not enough. People don't usually check their lungs, colons, intestines, etc. for cancer. So most people aren't lucky enough to find cancer in its early stages- only when the symptoms are bad enough for you to decide to go to the doctor.

I hope that didn't depress you all. But health is just as important as love, and all that good stuff.

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