Friday, May 1, 2009

Word of the Day: SUPPORT

One thing that I’ve noticed in this fast-paced society of ours is that not many people are willing to help or support one another. This applies to many things: holding doors for people, giving the elderly or pregnant women seats, even people who purposely cut others in front of lines. Our society lacks support and I think that’s one of the reasons why we are all in this crippling mess financial mess. In the land where selfishness rules, we are always waiting for someone else to do the giving, and we never feel like we should get our hands dirty. I’ve had people shove their way into a subway car without giving anyone the courtesy to get out first. You get the same people who constantly help over and over again and and the same other people just stand there with their hand out, or waiting for someone else to come and save the day, making the scales of giving and receiving uneven.

Not only is this egocentric behavior prevalent in the outside society, but this conduct seeps into our homes straight to the heart of our own families. Siblings not willing to help one another, couples who constantly fight about cleaning or money, and no one compromising. We’ve all turned our backs on one another and instead of giving a helping hand, we are more concerned about how we can help ourselves.
I’m not saying to become a saint, but instead of selfishly concentrating on our own agendas, we should all take a look outward and find different ways of extending ourselves in an altruistic way.



  1. I agree take on it is...that now a days everybody is in it for every each his own..People just don't care anymore. I admit sometimes I get in a funk where I'm like FUCK EVERYBODY Im going to just worry about me...but that doesn't last long...I think everyone has those moments....but for some people their selfishness is just permanent..

  2. Yes, you are right about it being permanent. I work right on Wall Street, you can already tell who's one of those just by walking near them. It's like the guy this morning who nearly took my shoe off and if that wasn't it, he then swerved right in front of me, cut me off - almost making me bump into him. My thought was "That asshole's in a hurry".
    It's been my experience that people who are selfish are also not very happy and that's where I take comfort.
